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9 of the best baby bottles 2024

Baby feeding bottles

Baby bottles are essential for formula-fed babies but are also used for expressed milk. The bottles can be plastic or glass. All plastic bottles made since 2011 are free from the chemical BPA.

How many bottles do I need and what size should I buy?

If you are exclusively bottle-feeding, the absolute bare minimum would be two bottles. Newborns can feed as much as every two hours and you’ll need time to wash and sterilise the bottles between uses. If you prefer to wash and sterilise the bottles just once a day, you could need up to 12 bottles. Most buy at least six and usually somewhere between 6 and 10 bottles.

If you're combination feeding it will depend on if your baby is having a bottle with every breastfeed.

For those exclusively breastfeeding and just using a bottle for occasional expressed milk feeds, one or two will be enough.

It’s possible to buy small bottles for newborns that are 160ml or smaller. Depending on how big/hungry your baby is, these can be used up until they are around 3-6 months old.

If you want to save money you could go straight to medium-sized bottles (around 260ml) and just partly fill them at first. The important thing is the size of the teat hole and you should always start off with a newborn slow-flow teat. They are often called size 1 teats.

Latex or silicone teats?

The teats are made from latex or silicone. Silicone is synthetic and more durable. Latex is a natural material and softer. It’s recommended that you replace teats every one to two months.

what teat size do I need?

Teat size refers to the size of the hole in the bottle nipple and the bigger it is the faster the milk will flow. A newborn baby will need a slow flow, which should be increased as they age. There are often some signs that it’s time to change the teat size.

The flow may be too slow when your baby:

  • Takes longer to finish the bottle

  • Is fussy and frustrated during feeding

  • Falls asleep during their bottle

  • Tugs at the bottle teat

The flow may be too fast when your baby is:

  • Gulping

  • Coughing

  • Choking

  • Dribbling a lot of milk

  • Refusing the bottle

Most baby bottle brands give a recommended age for each teat size but these are a very general guide as each child is different.

Baby bottles that help reduce colic

Some bottles are specially designed to help reduce colic by reducing air bubbles in the milk and might be helpful if your baby has problems with wind or reflux or is just crying a lot.


This list has been narrowed down to the very best with thorough research and the following considered:

  • Consumer reviews

  • Best-seller lists 

  • Recommendations from industry experts

  • Award-winning products

  • Personal experience and the products loved by other parents.

The list is updated annually. It was last updated on 7 January 2024. 

If you buy through a link, we may earn a small affiliate commission. 5% of profits are donated to UK Baby Banks to help parents in need of essentials.


1. Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Clear Bottles

Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature® Baby Bottles

Why buy these bottles?

These are very popular and award-winning bottles. They claim to have the teat most accepted by babies.

Key features

  • Soft, silicone, breast-like teats.

  • Anti-colic valve.

  • Available in 260ml and 150ml.


2. MAM Easy Start Self Sterilising Anti-Colic Bottle set

MAM Easy Start Anti-Colic Bottle set

Why buy these bottles?

MAM bottles are much loved as parents rave about their anti-colic properties and love the fact they can sterilise on their own in the microwave without any additional equipment.

Key features

  • This set includes 4 x 160ml and 4 x 260ml bottles, four slow-flow silicone teats, a newborn soother and a handle and spout to make the bottles suitable for an older baby.

  • The vented base is designed to reduce the amount of air entering your baby’s mouth and therefore less chance of colic or discomfort.

  • Available in pink, blue and cream.



3. Dr Brown's Options+ anti colic bottles

Dr Brown's Options+ anti colic bottles

Why buy these bottles?

Dr Brown’s bottles are clinically proven to reduce colic, burping and wind and are often recommended by healthcare professionals to help with colic.

Key features

  • They come with a breast-like silicone teat.

  • This pack of four are 270ml but they’re also available in 150ml.

  • They also come in glass.


4. Nanobébé Flexy Silicone Baby Bottle

Nanobébé Flexy Silicone Baby Bottle

Why buy these bottles?

These bottles are made from the highest-grade silicone. While not as eco-friendly as glass, it won’t release any microplastics into your baby’s milk and they are soft, light and squishy.

Key features

  • Breast-like silicone teat.

  • Triple-vented anti-colic system.

  • A bottle handle can be bought separately for when your baby wants to hold it.

  • This is a pack of three 270ml bottles. They are also available in 150ml.


5. MAM Glass Baby Bottle Set

MAM Glass Baby Bottle Set

Why buy these bottles?

Glass baby bottles are becoming more popular again as a more environmentally-friendly choice and because of concerns about babies ingesting microplastics. These MAM have a particularly lovely design.

Key features

  • A glass bottle set containing one 170ml bottle, two 260ml bottles and a newborn dummy.

  • Strong, durable, temperature-resistant glass.

  • Comes with one stage one slow flow teat and two faster stage two teats. All are made from super soft silicone.

  • Safe in a dishwasher and steriliser.


6. Lansinoh Baby Bottle

Lansinoh Baby Bottle

Why buy this bottle?

This has been designed for feeding expressed breast milk with a teat that encourages a baby's 'wave-like' tongue movement.

Key features

  • The air ventilation system reduces the amount of air a baby takes in so may reduce colic.

  • Also available in glass.

  • Comes in 160ml and 240ml.


7. Tommee Tippee advanced anti-colic

Tommee Tippee advanced anti-colic

Why buy these bottles?

These bottles have a heat-sensitive tube that turns pink if the milk is too hot.

Key features

  • Proven to reduce colic.

  • Soft, silicone, breast-like teats.

  • Available in 150ml and 260ml.

  • Dishwasher safe.


8. NUK First Choice+ Temperature Control Bottle

NUK First Choice+ Temperature Control Bottle

Why buy these bottles?

These award-winning bottles are great for combination feeding as they have an orthodontic teat which mimics the shape of the mother’s nipple when feeding. They also have a temperature control indicator which changes colour if the milk is above the optimal feeding temperature of 37˚C.

Key features

  • Anti-colic system to reduce the amount of air the baby takes in.

  • Comes with a size one latex teat.

  • This is a 150ml bottle but it also comes in 300ml for babies 6-18 months.

9. Vital Baby NURTURE feeding bottles

Vital Baby NURTURE feeding bottles

Why buy these bottles?

The silicone teat has been designed to be flexible like a mother’s nipple so they are great for combination-fed babies.

Key features

  • Anti-colic triple valve to prevent air from being ingested.

  • The wide neck makes them easy to fill and clean.

  • Available in 150ml and 240ml.