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Baby formula milk

Tins of baby formula powder

Baby formula milk can be used instead of, or alongside breastmilk to feed your newborn. Ordinary cows’ milk should not be used until your baby is one year old.

Types of baby formula

Most baby formulas are made from modified cows’ milk. For a newborn you will need to buy a first formula milk as they are designed to be easier to digest.

Goats’ milk formula is also available but it is not suitable for babies allergic to cows’ milk protein. Some claim it is easier for a baby to digest than cow’s milk formula but a study carried out by the European Food Standards Agency in 2012 found no difference between the two.

There are other types of formulas for very hungry babies or babies with reflux, lactose intolerance or cows’ milk protein allergies but these should only ever be used on the advice of a healthcare professional and some are only available on prescription.

What else to consider

When choosing a formula it’s good to bear in mind:

  • Availability - is it easily obtained? It might be better to choose a brand available in several shops near to you.

  • Price. Whether you are combination feeding or fully formula feeding, your baby will get through a lot of milk.

  • Composition. Does it come in both powder and ready-made liquid? Powders are cheaper but liquids are easier so it might be good to pick a brand that does both.

What is the best baby formula milk?

There are strict guidelines regarding the ingredients of formula milk so there is very little nutritional difference between brands. But here are some of the most popular formulas. If you wish to compare every brand on the market the First Steps Nutritional Trust is an excellent resource.