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7 of the best Baby on Board signs 2024

Car with baby on board sign


Baby on Board signs are attached to a car to signal that a baby is travelling within the vehicle. There are three reasons why this could be helpful.

The first is to alert other drivers to be extra cautious around your vehicle (although you would hope that all drivers are so cautious that they don’t crash into you.) They can also encourage other motorists to be patient with your extra cautious driving.

The third reason is that in the event of an accident they alert the emergency services to the presence of a baby in the car. Therefore, they should always be taken down when your child is not in the car. If the sign is up but you’re driving without the baby you could be wasting a paramedic’s time.

However, it could be argued that seeing as most do leave their signs permanently up, the presence of a baby car seat will be the biggest clue to a first responder.

How long have they been around?

They became popular after an American man driving his 18-month-old nephew noticed other motorists were becoming frustrated at his careful driving. He teamed up with a German company that was selling them and this partnership led to them becoming something of a fad in America in the mid-1980s. They then made their way to the UK where they are still widely used, although they have also become something of a jokey item with variants including ‘Huge financial burden on board’ and ‘Cheeky monkey on board’.


They are not compulsory and you are free to drive a baby around without one. However, if you do have one, the UK law requires that they ‘do not seriously obscure the vision of the driver’. You could be fined if the police consider the position of the sticker is unsafe.

Where should they be positioned?

They are most commonly put on the outer edges of the rear window. There are also Baby on Board stickers available that can be placed on the rear bodywork of the car. These might be preferable if you have tinted windows which may reduce their visibility.

Baby on Board car sign


There are six main types:

  1. Signs which attach with suction cups. They are often diamond-shaped and bright yellow so they are easily seen. There can be a suction cup at the top or at both the top and bottom.

  2. Window stickers. These adhesive signs are most commonly designed for the outside of the window.

  3. Window stickers with perforations. These are stuck to the outside of the windscreen and have many small holes so that the sticker can be seen through when reversing.

  4. Window stickers with a degree of transparency. These window stickers also offer good visibility for the driver as they have transparent areas. They may not be as noticeable to other drivers though.

  5. External bodywork stickers. These have the benefit of not being any kind of obstruction to the driver’s vision and are stuck on the rear bodywork of the vehicle with an adhesive.

  6. Magnetic external bodywork stickers. Same as above apart from they are magnetic so can be easily removed and leave no residue. The downside to these is that they may be stolen.

What to bear in mind when choosing a sign

As Baby on Board signs should really be removed when the baby is not travelling in the car, look for ones where this can be done easily. Adhesive stickers are not always ideal for this.

The sign should not be so large that it obstructs your view but it’s also important that it is visible to others, which is why so many are bright yellow.

If you are using an external sign, check that it can withstand all kinds of weather.

A reflective sign will give you peace of mind if you do any nighttime driving with your baby.


This list has been narrowed down to the very best with thorough research and the following considered:

  • Consumer reviews

  • Best-seller lists 

  • Recommendations from industry experts

  • Award-winning products

  • Personal experience and the products loved by other parents.

The list is updated annually. It was last updated on 7 January 2024. 

If you buy through a link, we may earn a small affiliate commission. 5% of profits are donated to UK Baby Banks to help parents in need of essentials.


1. Clippasafe baby and child on board sign

Clippasafe baby on board sign
  • A best-selling bright yellow sign which attaches with a suction cup.

  • It is long-lasting as the reverse has a ‘Child on Board’ sign.

  • Some reviewers complain that the colour fades after prolonged exposure to sunlight.


2. Assured Signs baby on board sticker

Baby on board sticker
  • A window sticker with many perforated holes so that it can be seen through by the driver.

  • It attaches to the outside of the window so can be used with tinted car windows.

  • Designed to survive all weather conditions.

  • Measures 12.7 x 12.7cm.

  • Comes in a pack of two or four.

  • Leaves no residue when removed.


3. Safety 1st baby on Board sign

Safety 1st baby on board sign
  • Made by the company behind the first Baby on Board signs.

  • Fixes to the internal window with a suction cup.

  • Some reviewers have complained about the strength of the suction cup.

4. Wild Auto baby on Board sign

Baby on board sign with animal picture.
  • Attaches to the internal window with a suction cup.

  • Measures 12.7 x 12.7cm

  • Weather-resistant ink so that the colours of the sign do not fade.

  • A pack of two signs.

  • Some reviewers have expressed frustration over the suction power of the cups.

5. Hyber&Cara Baby on Board magnetic sticker

Magnetic baby on board sign
  • A magnetic sign which is placed on the external bodywork of the vehicle.

  • Reflective so it can be easily seen at night.

  • Very easy to apply and remove.

  • UV and weather-resistant to make it long-lasting.

  • Good magnetic strength to keep it in place.

  • Pack of two. They recommend placing one on the rear of the vehicle and one on the door next to the baby.

6. Decal World baby on board sticker

Vinyl baby on board sticker
  • This is an external vinyl decal sticker which can be stuck to the outside of the window or the bodywork of the car.

  • It can be removed and reapplied without losing any of its adhesive strength and leaves no residue.

  • Measures 140mm x 90mm.

7. Subcribo baby on board sticker

Baby on board footprint sticker.
  • A white vinyl decal sticker for external car windows.

  • It is applied to an extra window and is weatherproof. They claim it should stay in good condition for up to five years and can withstand a trip through a car wash.

  • Measures 14 x 7cm.

  • Easily removed.